Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Civil War Diary of William R. Dyer

The Civil War Diary of William R. Dyer: A Member of Forrest's Escort, is a transcription of the terse diary entries made by a member of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest's escort. The transcription is in two parts: an exact transcription and a slightly edited transcription.

It is unfortunate that Dyer generally wrote a sentence or two on any given day. There is some detail, but not much. Consequently, what he wrote will be of primary interest to scholars following Forrest's movements, but there is likely nothing of major interest.
I would've liked the transcriber to have provided context and descriptions. And only the edited transcription was needed in this book; having both versions really served no purpose I can see.
Also see Michael R. Bradley's Nathan Bedford Forrest's Escort and Staff.

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