Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Discipline, Rationalization, and Bibliomania

In the past few days I've added several more books to my personal library, despite having enough books on-hand to keep me reading for at least a couple of years if I stopped buying. My excuse? Coupons at Half Price Books!

Self-discipline is so hard. I've tried everything from budgeting book money to rationing purchases so they never exceed the rate at which I'm reading to telling myself that I have to finish the last book I bought by a given author before I buy another one by the same author.

Nothing works for very long. Here are several ways to rationalize ignoring self-discipline when it comes to buying books:

1. Wait for this hardback to come out in paperback and it will be cheaper? But this price for a used copy is cheaper than the paperback will be when it comes out! (Ahem. But not as cheap as a used paperback copy will wind up being.)

2. If I don't buy this used book now, and decide to think about it, it will very likely be gone when I come back. And then I've wasted time and gas! And contributed to global warming!

3. I'm going to buy this book someday anyway so I may as well take advantage of this price and get it now. (But by the time I get around to reading it a cheaper copy - maybe a paperback - will probably be available.)

4. Half Price Books just gave me $25 for the books I sold them. So if I turn around and spend $25 in the store, I'm no poorer than when I came in, and I have some books too! (But if you walk out with the $25, you'll have more money than when you came in.)

5. Amazon will give me free shipping if I order at least $25 worth of books. I was intending to spend $15. But I can justify spending another $10 because I'll save several dollars just by avoiding shipping! I was going to get that $10 book someday anyway ... (Yeah, and Amazon's laughing all the way to the bank.)

There's no cure for bibliomania. And I hope no one's going to find one.

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